I am sorry but I missed last month's blog but am now back in harness. I still can't get to the meetings and it looks like a situation that will not change for the foreseeable future so I am reliant on Peter Terry for details of the meeting and, this month, to Andrew Stacey for the images - with his new camera!
First up is Peter Terry with two nice Airfix Royal Navy Phantoms on Ark Royal in his usual 1/72nd scale.
Andrew Stacey returned after having a new knee fitted (I nearly spelled that as knew knee!), not only with a new camera but with a nice 1/56th scale Panther (no mention of a manufacturer unfortunately).
John Teagle brought along a "work in progress" Kinetic 1/32nd scale F-86 Sabre.
Last up is Peter Carlo who showed us two models of disparate subjects. Firstly, was a 1/48th Airfix Royal Navy Blackburn Buccaneer which Peter said was an enjoyable build and that he is looking forward to the Royal Air Force version.
Peter's second model was a 1/35th scale British Army Centurion AVRE in Gulf War markings. My information is that it was a Meng or a Takom kit.
Lastly, Crispin Block gave a short talk on making large scale figures for very large scale armour and 88mm gun crews. I am sorry that I missed it.
That's that for the meeting. Don't forget that you can see large versions of these images by clicking on them. Use the back button of the browser to get back to the main blog page.